101-125 of 589
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid brute forcing: Use sufficiently long key sizes: keyGenerator
Could lead to brute forcing or other cryptographic weakness
- error
- java
- security
- basic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use appropriate key pair generation algorithm: insecure
Could lead to cryptographic weakness
- error
- java
- security
- basic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use appropriate key pair generation algorithm: not recommended
Could lead to cryptographic weakness
- error
- java
- security
- basic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use appropriate secret key generation algorithm: DES family
Could lead to brute forcing or other cryptographic weakness
- error
- java
- security
- basic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use appropriate secret key generation algorithm: Hmac family
Could lead to brute forcing or other cryptographic weakness
- warning
- java
- security
- basic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use appropriate secret key generation algorithm: insecure SecretKeyFactory
Could lead to cryptographic weakness
- error
- java
- security
- basic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use appropriate secret key generation algorithm: Other algorithms
Could lead to brute forcing or other cryptographic weakness
- marked_information
- java
- security
- basic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use appropriate secret key generation algorithm: other SecretKeyFactory
Could lead to cryptographic weakness
- error
- java
- security
- basic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use strong symmetric cryptographic algorithm
Could lead to cryptographic weakness
- error
- java
- security
- basic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use strong symmetric cryptographic algorithm (Untrusted)
Alowing untrusted input to determine the encryption algorithm could lead to cryptographic weakness.
- warning
- java
- security
- basic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use sufficiently long key sizes: keyGenerator bad value
Could lead to brute forcing or other cryptographic weakness
- error
- java
- security
- basic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use sufficiently long key sizes: keyPairGenerator
Could lead to brute forcing or other cryptographic weakness
- error
- java
- security
- basic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use sufficiently long key sizes: keyPairGenerator bad value
Could lead to brute forcing or other cryptographic weakness
- error
- java
- security
- basic protection set
Data Protection - Secure Data Display: Avoid Data Exposure: set FLAG_SECURE
Could leak sensitive information
- error
- java
- security
- mobile
- framework specific
- Android
- Android security set
Data Protection - Secure Data Display: Avoid Data Exposure: Use FlagSecureHelper to create toasts
Could lead to Data Exposure
- error
- java
- security
- framework specific
- mobile
- Android
- Android security set
Data Protection - Secure Data Display: Avoid Data Exposure: Use FlagSecureHelper to create toasts Compliant
Could lead to Data Exposure - Compliant
- compliant
- java
- security
- framework specific
- mobile
- Android
- Android security set
Data Protection - Secure Data Display: Avoid Data Exposure: Use LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE Compliant
- compliant
- java
- security
- framework specific
- mobile
- Android
Data Protection: Secure Data Storage: Avoid Data Exposure: Do not use NoOpPasswordEncoder
Could lead to data exposure
- error
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- Spring Security
Data Protection: Secure Data Storage: Avoid Data Exposure: Hash passwords using strong hashing algorithms
Could lead to data exposure
- error
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- Spring Security
Data Protection: Secure Data Storage: Avoid Data Exposure: Hash passwords using strong hashing algorithms
Could lead to data exposure
- error
- java
- security
- framework specific
- Spring
- Spring Security
Data Protection - Secure Data Storage: Avoid data exposure: Use Cipher instead of NullCipher
Could lead to data exposure
- error
- java
- security
- basic protection set
DateTimeFormatterBuilder Joda-Time method is obsolete in java.time
DateTimeFormatterBuilder Joda-Time method is obsolete in java.time
- warning
- java
- java.time
- framework specific
- Joda-Time
- quality
DateTimeFormatterBuilder Joda-Time toParser/toPrinter is obsolete in java.time
DateTimeFormatterBuilder Joda-Time toParser/toPrinter is obsolete in java.time
- warning
- java
- java.time
- framework specific
- Joda-Time
- quality
DateTimeFormatter deprecated getChronolgy
DateTimeFormatter deprecated getChronolgy
- error
- java
- framework specific
- java.time
- Joda-Time
- quality
DateTimeFormatter has no equivalent method in java.time
DateTimeFormatter has no equivalent method in java.time
- marked_information
- java
- framework specific
- java.time
- Joda-Time
- quality