Recipe Name:
Data Protection - Secure Data Storage: Avoid data exposure: Use Cipher instead of NullCipher
Could lead to data exposure
- java
- security
- basic protection set
Out of best practices and android coding guidelines, recommendations were abstracted which state that NullCipher
should never be used.
The NullCipher
class is a class that provides an "identity cipher" — one that does not tranform the plaintext.
As a consequence, the ciphertext is identical to the plaintext. This is highly insecure and should never be used. Use Cipher
with recommended algorithm, mode and padding instead. Symmetric encryption should be used for bulk encryption, i.e. to store sensitive data securely or to encrypt communication after a secure channel has been established. The recommended algorithm for local storage is AES, used in GCM mode with no padding.
public static byte[] encryptForLocalStorage(byte[] plainText, byte[] IV, Key key) throws Exception { Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("AES/GCM/NoPadding"); GCMParameterSpec gcmSpec = new GCMParameterSpec(GCM_TAG_LENGTH * 8, IV); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, gcmSpec); return c.doFinal(plainText); }References
id: scw:crypto:nullcipher version: 10 metadata: name: 'Data Protection - Secure Data Storage: Avoid data exposure: Use Cipher instead of NullCipher' shortDescription: Could lead to data exposure level: error language: java newCodeOnly: false scwCategory: broken_cryptography:use_of_insecuredeprecated_alogirthms enabled: true descriptionFile: Java/Crypto/descriptions/Use_cipher_over_nullcipher.html tags: security;basic protection set search: instanceCreation: type: javax.crypto.NullCipher availableFixes: - name: Use Cipher with the recommended parameters actions: - rewrite: to: javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance("AES/GCM/NoPadding") - modifyAssignedVariable: type: javax.crypto.Cipher