326-350 of 579
Secure Transport: use RequiresSecure to enforce HTTPS on all paths
Enforce HTTPS on all requests, not just on a selected number
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
- OWASP Top 10
Security Misconfiguration: Clickjacking protection: Disabled Header - frameOptions()
Disabling Spring Security default headers makes the application vulnerable to clickjackin
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
- Clickjacking
- OWASP Top 10
Security Misconfiguration: Content sniffing protection
Prevent MIME sniffing by disabling contentTypeOptions
- error
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
- OWASP Top 10
Security Misconfiguration: CORS: Avoid broad settings: CorsRegistry#allowCredentials
Allowing credentials makes the application more vulnerable
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
Security Misconfiguration: CORS: Avoid broad settings: CorsRegistry#allowedHeaders
Allowing all headers makes the application vulnerable
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
Security Misconfiguration: CORS: Avoid broad settings: CorsRegistry#allowedMethods
Allowing unsafe methods puts the application at risk
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
Security Misconfiguration: CORS: Avoid broad settings: CorsRegistry#allowedOrigins
Allowing all origins makes the application vulnerable to scripts from any domain
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
Security Misconfiguration: CORS: Avoid broad settings: CorsRegistry#exposedHeaders
Exposing all headers makes the application vulnerable
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
Security Misconfiguration: CORS: Avoid broad settings: CorsRegistry#maxAge
A value over 30 minutes is considered prolonged and likely to reduce security
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
Security Misconfiguration: CORS: Avoid broad settings: @CrossOrigin
Avoid enabling CORS, or configure it as strictly as possible
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
Security Misconfiguration: CORS: Avoid broad settings: @CrossOrigin - allowCredentials
Allowing credentials makes the application more vulnerable
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
Security Misconfiguration: CORS: Avoid broad settings: @CrossOrigin - allowedHeaders
Allowing all headers makes the application vulnerable
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
Security Misconfiguration: CORS: Avoid broad settings: @CrossOrigin - exposedHeaders
Exposing all headers makes the application vulnerable
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
Security Misconfiguration: CORS: Avoid broad settings: @CrossOrigin - maxAge
A value over 30 minutes is considered prolonged and likely to reduce security
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
Security Misconfiguration: CORS: Avoid broad settings: @CrossOrigin - methods
Allowing unsafe methods puts the application at risk
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
Security Misconfiguration: CORS: Avoid broad settings: @CrossOrigin - origins
Allowing all origins makes the application vulnerable to scripts from any domain
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
Security Misconfiguration: Disabled Headers
Disabling Spring Security's default headers makes the application vulnerable
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
- OWASP Top 10
Security Misconfiguration: Disabled Security Settings: CookieCsrfTokenRepository#withHttpOnlyFalse
Make sure to set HttpOnly to true to protect against CSRF or remove it
- error
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
- OWASP Top 10
Security Misconfiguration: Disable Security Features - HSTS
Enforce HSTS protection against vulnerabilities over HTTP
- error
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
- OWASP Top 10
Security Misconfiguration: EnableWebSecurity with Debug enabled
The debug parameter on EnableWebSecurity should not be hardcoded to true
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
- OWASP Top 10
Security Misconfiguration: HSTS - includeSubDomains
Include subdomains in the HSTS domain
- error
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
- OWASP Top 10
Security Misconfiguration: Prevent session from being included in the URL
Do not use URL Parameters for session tracking
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- Spring Security
- web
Security Misconfiguration: StrictHttpFirewall: Avoid DefaultHttpFirewall (instance creation)
Using DefaultHttpFirewall may lead to security flaws
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- Spring Security
- web
Security Misconfiguration: StrictHttpFirewall: Avoid DefaultHttpFirewall (method return type)
Using DefaultHttpFirewall may lead to security flaws
- warning
- java
- kotlin
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- Spring Security
- web
Security Misconfiguration: StrictHttpFirewall: Rule configuration: HTTP method validation
Not allowing just any HTTP method is more secure
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- Spring Security
- web