301-325 of 379
SLF4J Logging: System.err
Replace System.err.print.* with consistent SLF4J error logging
- marked_information
- java
- framework specific
- logging
- quality
SLF4J Logging: System.out
Replace System.out.print.* with consistent SLF4J error logging
- marked_information
- java
- framework specific
- logging
- quality
Spring Data Neo4jClient#query is vulnerable to injections
Spring Data Neo4jClient#query is vulnerable to injections
- error
- java
- security
- Neo4j
- framework specific
- OWASP Top 10
- injection
- Spring Data
Spring recommendation: @(Rest)Controller, @Service, @Repository should be singletons
Classes annotated with @(Rest)Controller, @Service, @Repository should have a singleton scope
- warning
- java
- web
- framework specific
- Spring Boot
- Spring
- quality
Spring Security: race condition: SecurityContextHolder.getContext.setAuthentication
It is important to create a new SecurityContext instance to avoid race conditions across multiple threads.
- error
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Security
Spring Security recommends DelegatingPasswordEncoder for best practices
DelegatingPasswordEncoder allows more flexibility when using several encoders, for code changes, and for migrating
- info
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- Spring Security
Spring Security recommends DelegatingPasswordEncoder for best practices (BCrypt)
DelegatingPasswordEncoder allows more flexibility when using several encoders, for code changes, and for migrating
- info
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- Spring Security
Spring Security recommends DelegatingPasswordEncoder for best practices (Bean)
DelegatingPasswordEncoder allows more flexibility when using several encoders, for code changes, and for migrating
- info
- java
- kotlin
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- Spring Security
Spring Security recommends DelegatingPasswordEncoder for best practices (Bean - BCrypt)
DelegatingPasswordEncoder allows more flexibility when using several encoders, for code changes, and for migrating
- info
- java
- kotlin
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- Spring Security
SQL Injection: SQLiteDatabase#execSQL
This query could lead to SQL injection
- error
- java
- security
- framework specific
- mobile
- injection
- Android
- OWASP Top 10
SQL Injection: SQLiteDatabase#query - 1st parameter
This query could lead to SQL injection
- error
- java
- security
- framework specific
- mobile
- injection
- Android
- OWASP Top 10
SQL Injection: SQLiteDatabase#query - 2nd parameter
This query could lead to SQL injection
- error
- java
- security
- framework specific
- mobile
- injection
- Android
- OWASP Top 10
SQL Injection: SQLiteDatabase#query - 3rd parameter
This query could lead to SQL injection
- error
- java
- security
- framework specific
- mobile
- injection
- Android
- OWASP Top 10
SQL Injection: SQLiteDatabase#query - 5th parameter
This query could lead to SQL injection
- error
- java
- security
- framework specific
- mobile
- injection
- Android
- OWASP Top 10
SQL Injection: SQLiteQueryBuilder appendWhere
This query could lead to SQL injection
- error
- java
- security
- framework specific
- mobile
- injection
- Android
- OWASP Top 10
SQL Injection: SQLiteQueryBuilder#buildQuery
This method is vulnerable to SQL injection. Consider writing the query instead of relying on builders.
- error
- java
- security
- framework specific
- mobile
- injection
- Android
- OWASP Top 10
SQL Injection: SQLiteQueryBuilder compileStatement
This query could lead to SQL injection
- error
- java
- security
- framework specific
- mobile
- injection
- Android
- OWASP Top 10
SQL Injection: SQLiteQueryBuilder compileStatement Compliant
SQL Injection: SQLiteQueryBuilder compileStatement - Compliant
- compliant
- java
- security
- framework specific
- mobile
- injection
- Android
- Android security set
- OWASP Top 10
Storage best practices: deprecated operating mode
This operating mode has been deprecated
- warning
- java
- security
- framework specific
- mobile
- Android
Storage best practices: insecure operating mode
When using this value other applications will have access to your application's data
- error
- java
- security
- framework specific
- mobile
- Android
- Android security set
Suffix Matching: UseRegisteredSuffixPatternMatch set to false to prevent suffix pattern matching
Prevent suffix pattern matching by setting UseRegisteredSuffixPatternMatch to false
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Web
Suffix Matching: UseSuffixPatternMatch set to false to prevent suffix pattern matching
Prevent suffix pattern matching by setting UseSuffixPatternMatching to false
- warning
- java
- Spring
- security
- framework specific
- web
- Spring Web
System.err consistent Java Logger logging
Replace System.err.print.* with consistent Java Logger error logging
- marked_information
- java
- framework specific
- logging
- Logger
- quality
System.out consistent Java Logger logging
Replace System.out.print.* with consistent Java Logger error logging
- marked_information
- java
- framework specific
- logging
- Logger
- quality
Test framework: Enforce @Rule annotation for a JUnitSoftAssertions field
A JUnitSoftAssertions field always need to have the @Rule annotation
- error
- java
- testing
- framework specific
- JUnit 4
- quality