Recipe Name:
Manifest Best Practices: Activity: launch mode should not be set
Launch mode should not be set for private activities
- xml
- security
- framework specific
- mobile
- Android
The Android best practices and coding guidelines recommend that some properties should not be set to in the Android Manifest when dealing with private activities. Private activities are activities that do not have the android:export
attribute set to true. The properties to avoid are: android:taskAffinity
and android:launchMode
<application android:allowBackup="true" android:allowBackup="true" ... />After
<application ... />
id: scw:android:manifest:launchMode version: 10 metadata: name: 'Manifest Best Practices: Activity: launch mode should not be set' shortDescription: Launch mode should not be set for private activities level: warning language: xml enabled: true descriptionFile: descriptions/Manifest_Best_Practices_Private_activities.html tags: security;framework specific;mobile;Android search: attribute: allOf: - in: element: tagName: is: activity without: attribute: name: is: android:export value: "true" - in: file: name: AndroidManifest.xml name: is: android:launchMode availableFixes: - name: Remove the launchMode attribute actions: - remove: target: self