Cookbook Name:
Basic Protection Set
Starting point for security that detects weak cryptography, injection vulnerabilities and XXE in a framework-agnostic way.
Secure Code Warrior
Number of Recipes:
Recipe Name Description Language Level Tags
Crypto: Cipher: Insecure Asymmetric Cryptographic Algorithm This cryptographic algorithm is not recommended java error securitybasic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use strong symmetric cryptographic algorithm Could lead to cryptographic weakness java error securitybasic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use strong symmetric cryptographic algorithm (Untrusted) Alowing untrusted input to determine the encryption algorithm could lead to cryptographic weakness. java warning securitybasic protection set
Data Protection - Secure Data Storage: Avoid data exposure: Use Cipher instead of NullCipher Could lead to data exposure java error securitybasic protection set
Crypto: KeyAgreement: Guide on Approved Cryptographic Algorithm This cryptographic algorithm is not recommended java marked_information securitybasic protection set
Crypto: KeyAgreement: Insecure Cryptographic Algorithm This cryptographic algorithm is insecure java error securitybasic protection set
Crypto: KeyPair Generation: Approved Standard Cryptographic Algorithm This cryptographic algorithm is not recommended java error securitybasic protection set
Crypto: KeyPair Generation: Insecure Cryptographic Algorithm This cryptographic algorithm is insecure java error securitybasic protection set
Crypto: KeyPair Generation: Non Standard Cryptographic Algorithm This cryptographic algorithm is not recommended java error securitybasic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid brute forcing: Use sufficiently long key sizes: keyGenerator Could lead to brute forcing or other cryptographic weakness java error securitybasic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use appropriate key pair generation algorithm: insecure Could lead to cryptographic weakness java error securitybasic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use appropriate key pair generation algorithm: not recommended Could lead to cryptographic weakness java error securitybasic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use appropriate secret key generation algorithm: DES family Could lead to brute forcing or other cryptographic weakness java error securitybasic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use appropriate secret key generation algorithm: Hmac family Could lead to brute forcing or other cryptographic weakness java warning securitybasic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use appropriate secret key generation algorithm: Other algorithms Could lead to brute forcing or other cryptographic weakness java marked_information securitybasic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use appropriate secret key generation algorithm: insecure SecretKeyFactory Could lead to cryptographic weakness java error securitybasic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use appropriate secret key generation algorithm: other SecretKeyFactory Could lead to cryptographic weakness java error securitybasic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use sufficiently long key sizes: keyGenerator bad value Could lead to brute forcing or other cryptographic weakness java error securitybasic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use sufficiently long key sizes: keyPairGenerator Could lead to brute forcing or other cryptographic weakness java error securitybasic protection set
Data Protection - Cryptography: Avoid cryptographic weakness: Use sufficiently long key sizes: keyPairGenerator bad value Could lead to brute forcing or other cryptographic weakness java error securitybasic protection set
Crypto: Signature: Approved Hashing Algorithm This hashing algorithm is not recommended for cryptographic use java marked_information securitybasic protection set
Crypto: Signature: Insecure Hashing Algorithm This hashing algorithm is not recommended for cryptographic use java error securitybasic protection set
Crypto: Signature: Non Standard Hashing Algorithm This hashing algorithm is not recommended for cryptographic use java warning securitybasic protection set
Injection: Avoid SQL Injection: Use Parameterized Queries (PreparedStatement) Could lead to SQL Injection java error securitySEI CERTbasic protection setinjectionSQLOWASP Top 10
Injection: Avoid SQL Injection: Use Parameterized Queries (Statement) Could lead to SQL Injection java error securitySEI CERTbasic protection setinjectionSQLOWASP Top 10
Vulnerable Log4j dependency - Log4Shell/CVE-2021-44228/CVE-2021-45046/CVE-2021-45105 Vulnerable Log4j dependency - Log4Shell/CVE-2021-44228/CVE-2021-45046/CVE-2021-45105 xml error Apache MavenLog4jOWASP Top 10SLF4Jbasic protection setframework specificinjectionloggingsecurity
Vulnerable Log4j version property - Log4Shell/CVE-2021-44228/CVE-2021-45046/CVE-2021-45105 Vulnerable Log4j version property - Log4Shell/CVE-2021-44228/CVE-2021-45046/CVE-2021-45105 xml error Apache MavenLog4jOWASP Top 10SLF4Jbasic protection setframework specificinjectionloggingsecurity
Vulnerable Log4j version - Log4Shell/CVE-2021-44228/CVE-2021-45046/CVE-2021-45105 Vulnerable Log4j version - Log4Shell/CVE-2021-44228/CVE-2021-45046/CVE-2021-45105 javakotlin error Log4jOWASP Top 10SLF4Jbasic protection setframework specificinjectionloggingsecurity
XXE: DocumentBuilderFactory: Add missing feature dissallow-doctype-decl Could lead to XXE java error securityXXEbasic protection setOWASP Top 10
XXE: DocumentBuilderFactory: Add missing feature external-parameter-entities Could lead to XXE java error securityXXEbasic protection setOWASP Top 10
XXE: DocumentBuilderFactory: Add missing feature load-external-dtd Could lead to XXE java error securityXXEbasic protection setOWASP Top 10
XXE: DocumentBuilderFactory: Add missing feature setExpandEntityReferences Could lead to XXE java error securityXXEbasic protection setOWASP Top 10
XXE: DocumentBuilderFactory: Add missing feature setXIncludeAware Could lead to XXE java error securityXXEbasic protection setOWASP Top 10
XXE: DocumentBuilderFactory: Set features to false Could lead to XXE java error securityXXEbasic protection setOWASP Top 10
XXE: DocumentBuilderFactory: Set features to true Could lead to XXE java error securityXXEbasic protection setOWASP Top 10
XXE: DocumentBuilderFactory: Setters to false Could lead to XXE java error securityXXEbasic protection setOWASP Top 10
XXE: Set missing secure processing feature Could lead to XXE java error OWASP Top 10XMLXXEbasic protection setsecurity
XXE: Set secure processing feature to true Could lead to XXE java error securityXMLbasic protection setXXEOWASP Top 10
XXE: XMLInputFactory: Add IS_SUPPORTING_EXTERNAL_ENTITIES feature Could lead to XXE java error securityXXEbasic protection setOWASP Top 10
XXE: XMLInputFactory: Add SUPPORT_DTD feature Could lead to XXE java error securityXXEbasic protection setOWASP Top 10
XXE: XMLInputFactory: Set features to false Could lead to XXE java error securityXXEbasic protection setOWASP Top 10
Injection: Avoid Code Injection: Use SafeConstructor: 1st argument of type Constructor Could lead to Remote Code Execution java error securitybasic protection setinjectionYAMLOWASP Top 10
Injection: Avoid Code Injection: Use SafeConstructor: arguments, but no Constructor argument Could lead to Remote Code Execution java error securitybasic protection setinjectionYAMLOWASP Top 10
Injection: Avoid Code Injection: Use SafeConstructor: no arguments Could lead to Remote Code Execution java error securitybasic protection setinjectionYAMLOWASP Top 10
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